All dates are at 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time.
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers, practitioners, and industry to share experiences, concerns, and ideas about known and new authentication techniques. We are interested in discussing methods of evaluating the impact and usability of various authentication techniques, and ideas about novel authentication techniques that are secure, robust, and usable. WAY will also accept short reports from industry and public entities on authentication.
Authentication, or the act of proving that someone is who they claim to be, is a cornerstone of security. The importance of authentication continues to grow as users must prove their identity to maintain a continuous presence with a wide variety of computing devices and services.
The goal of this workshop is to explore these and related topics across the broad range of contexts, including enterprise systems, personal systems, and especially mobile and embedded systems (such as healthcare, smart home, IoT, and wearable systems). This workshop provides an informal and interdisciplinary setting at the intersection of security, psychological, and behavioral science.
Workshop papers and presentations will be made available on the conference web page but are considered non-archival. WAY fosters a supportive and constructive environment for sharing ideas and giving feedback. We welcome submissions about new and ongoing work, as well as completed projects.
Submissions should be formatted using the SOUPS '21 submission template (available for MS Word or LaTeX) and submitted as a PDF. Submissions should be fully anonymized .
Submissions should be made via the WAY 2021 HotCRP instance:
We are soliciting 4-5 page submissions (including references) on topics relating to authentication. Accepted submissions will be posted to the WAY workshop website ( We encourage participants to also make their workshop presentations available on the website. These submissions will not be considered "published" work, and as such, should not preclude publication elsewhere.
We are looking for contributions from industry or public entities in the following form: a 1-2 pages report together with a slide deck for a presentation of approx. 15 minutes. An example can be found in the paper archive. We do not want product pitches or slides from marketing/sales representatives. All submissions will be reviewed, and authors agree to revise their slides as needed.